Compassionate Communication
I am finding it challenging to write today yet convinced that this topic is what I need to share so I will do my best.
“Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenberg is a book that has changed my life. Through practicing the techniques he shares, I feel more in touch with myself, more capable of staying connected to others and find myself less likely to blame and judge.
The key to the technique is learning how to stay connected to others and yourself when you are communicating.
I believe reading this book, and studying the technique with a group has shifted my view of each interaction I have. I realize I always have a choice to check in and take responsibility for what I am feeling and needing and in doing that find myself grateful for whatever is right in front of me.
“What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart” - Marshall Rosenberg
For more information the web address is
P.S. I have a coaching website up and running if you want to take a look!