Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Compassionate Communication

I am finding it challenging to write today yet convinced that this topic is what I need to share so I will do my best.
“Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenberg is a book that has changed my life. Through practicing the techniques he shares, I feel more in touch with myself, more capable of staying connected to others and find myself less likely to blame and judge.
The key to the technique is learning how to stay connected to others and yourself when you are communicating.
I believe reading this book, and studying the technique with a group has shifted my view of each interaction I have. I realize I always have a choice to check in and take responsibility for what I am feeling and needing and in doing that find myself grateful for whatever is right in front of me.
“What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart” - Marshall Rosenberg
For more information the web address is www.cnvc.org
P.S. I have a coaching website up and running if you want to take a look! www.intobalancecoaching.com

Monday, August 22, 2005


Heart Math is a new technique for managing stress that I have begun using with my clients and myself. It's a practice that can support you to shift your state of mind into a calmer, happier place in just minutes.
The technique is very simple:
1. Focus on your heart (you can place your hand over your heart as you practice).
2. Then imagine you breath is flowing in and out through this area. Breathe slowly and easily in and out through your heart. Do this until your breathing feels smooth and balanced.
3. Continue to breathe through your heart and recall a positive feeling, a time or situation when you felt great inside. Notice what happens when you begin to focus on something positive. Do you feel a little shift? If not keep practicing it can take some individuals a little time to feel a difference.
You can apply this one-minute technique any time you feel a bit stressed. I find it great to do first thing in the morning. I've noticed that the more I practice this the calmer I feel and the easier it is for me to remember to use it when I need it the most.
The website for the institute of heartmath is www.heartmath.org. There is also a book titled “Transforming Stress” by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman Ph.D. This book and the techniques it offers are valuable for everyone. I have found Heartmath to be an easy and powerful tool to balance stress and deal with challenging situations in a very positive way!
Happy Summer,

Monday, August 15, 2005


What would our world look like if we were all to simplify our lives just a little? I recently reread “Gift from the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. “To ask how little, not how much, can I get along with. To say—is it necessary? —when I am tempted to add one more accumulation to my life, when I am pulled toward one more centrifugal activity.”
What makes it so challenging to simplify our lives? Is it the saying no, the fear of missing out, the expectations of others? How often are we complicating our lives with things that have no true meaning for us?
Sometimes I pare a day down to its simplest form. I had the opportunity to do this while camping this weekend. Waking, eating, reading, running, watching kids play, watching the play of light on the river, napping, talking with friends, playing, listening to my son, listening to the quiet, walking, dreaming… I notice I breath more fully on those days. I feel more at ease with others and myself. I reconnect with myself.
It feels like a luxury when I take this time and yet I notice that I am able to carry many of those feelings into the week ahead. I’m more present, and at peace with others and myself. Maybe it’s not a luxury if it means being the best I can be more often.
I want to simplify my life so that I can be more present. I want to ask myself more often—Is it necessary? ---

Monday, August 08, 2005

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a one on one relationship in which a client feels supported and inspired to explore where they are now and where they want to go. Coaching is a partnership based on trust, connection and a desire to grow. How can you make the most of this life? What are your gifts?
Life Coaches are more than a friend to share problems with. They are the sounding board you are looking for to assist you to tap solutions to the challenges you face on a daily basis. A coach will support you to see all of your gifts and empower you to believe in yourself in a way you may not have thought possible.
With a coach, you can do more than you would on your own, go further than you think possible and take yourself more seriously. At the same time you can feel a greater sense of happiness and connection. You have an accountability partner who shares your best interest and assists your moving forward. Life coaching is about taking action and making things happen.

I work with women who are challenged to find balance in body, mind and spirit.

"My coaching sessions with Carol helped get me on the right track and stay on it! I thoroughly enjoyed her thoughtfulness, clarity, focus on me and my goals, and her friendly quality. "
Diane L.

Ready to take the leap to balance your life and need support. Email cdelmonico@my180.net for a free sample session!!
Enjoy your day,

Monday, August 01, 2005


What are your strongest beliefs? How do they support you? Where did they come from?
Beliefs are the mental acceptance of something as true, even though absolute certainty is absent.

We will choose our beliefs over our experience and often they can be outdated. Our parents, friends, old experiences, fairy tales or cultural norms may have formed them.

I held a belief, for a long time, that created some frustration and unhappiness in my marriage. I believed that if I gave my husband a “look”, ignored him or hinted around about what I needed he would figure it out and give it to me. If he truly loved me he would know what I was feeling and needing. He didn’t. He wasn’t a mind reader.
This led to some frustrating times for both of us. My belief held me back from communicating clearly without blame or judgment.

I no longer carry that belief and I have learned to check in with myself about my feelings and needs and find ways to be supported. What a relief to let go of that one. My relationship with my husband is much better without that hanging over our heads!

Altering that one belief years ago put me on the path that has me in front of you now. It was the catalyst that helped me see the key to happiness is all within myself. I can look at each of my beliefs, attitudes and thoughts. And the one thing I have the power to change is myself, one belief at a time.

Take some time to notice if any of your beliefs might be holding you back from living your best life.