Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"There are voices that we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

It can take a moment, an hour, a day, or a weeklong retreat to connect to our inner voice and to feel the ebb of the outer voice. I utilize time daily to stay connected, the time varies the intention doesn't.

After taking time for yourself is it easier to hold onto your own voice?

What are the most familiar cultural voices that trigger you to shift into being unsure of whether you ought to listen to your own voice or the voice of others? Voices that say things like; to be a good mother you have to... to be a good boss you must...to make the most money you've got to...

I have found it helpful to recognize the cultural voices that most commonly put my own voice into question. I pay more attention to myself in those moments, I am able to check in with what I am feeling and needing. By recognizing what I am needing I am able to find my ground and my voice. It's with a sense of relief that I settle back in to myself.

How is it for you?


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