Friday, March 17, 2006

Internal Wellness Coaching Program

I've shared before that I am working on a wellness wheel and with that designing a coaching program that will work with the concept that wellness- mind, body, and spirit- is both internal and external work.
The internal spokes of the wheel are life values that support you to say yes to the things that really meet your need for living a full and joyful life.
Its inner work which then is reflected in the choices you make and the habits or behaviors you willingly shift and change.
It's about reaching inward to attain balance. Your readiness to be curious about yourself, to let go of old beliefs and to really embrace the concept that conscious choice is an every moment option for you!

If you are interested in learning more about the wheel and how the coaching program works give me a call. I am passionate about sharing this. 541-389-0831 or

Have a refreshing weekend!


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